Initiatives — Early Years Climate Action
Empowering our early years sector to advance climate solutions

Early Years Climate Action seeks to build partnerships with caregivers, providers, doctors, researchers, and community leaders from across the country to support our youngest children and their families in a changing climate. By supporting our youngest children and their families, we lay the foundation for a more resilient and just society for generations to come.
We envision a future in which we prioritize the healthy, resilient development of our youngest children; children have access to clean air, clean water, and safe sustainable places to grow, learn, and play; early years providers are supported and empowered to help parents understand climate impacts and what they can do; and children’s futures are centered in the policy decisions we make.
Children, despite being least responsible for climate change, will live with its impacts their entire lives. The effects of climate change are particularly harmful to young children’s health, development, and school readiness. Extreme weather events, increasing air pollution, eco-anxiety, and toxic stress threaten the future of childhood. The early years ecosystem is vast, complex, and fragmented, existing in childcare centers, family homes, and the pediatric healthcare system. Yet little attention has been paid within the U.S. to this intersection of climate change and childhood.
In partnership with Capita, we launched the Early Years Climate Task Force to develop a comprehensive roadmap for the early years sector to take action on climate change. The Task Force held a listening tour to learn more about the impacts of climate change on young children and the opportunities to support young children, their families, and the programs that serve them in a changing climate. In 2023, the task force released the Early Years Climate Action Plan with recommendations for early years providers, policymakers, business, philanthropy, and researchers.
Read the Early Years Climate Action Plan Executive Summary
Read the Early Years Climate Action Plan Executive Summary (Spanish)
Early Years Climate Action creates aligned resources, toolkits, communications, and more to support and scale efforts across the Early Years sector so that all children have the opportunity to learn about our changing climate and what they can do, in healthy, sustainable, resilient learning environments.
The task force identified several key pillars for action across the Early Years sector and focus on the following concepts:
Support children and families in a changing climate
Climate change increasingly impacts children’s health and development. Yet promoting healthy, resilient development for children can better enable our society to tackle climate challenges into the future. We focus on how children are impacted by climate change and how we can support children and their families to ensure healthy, resilient childhoods in a changing climate.
Healthy and resilient child- and family-facing programs
These programs have the potential to be healthy, sustainable spaces where children are supported in building resilience and fostering an appreciation for our connection to the environment. We focus on the ways child- and family-facing programs are being impacted by climate change and how they can both adapt and advance solutions.
Healthy and resilient communities
All children are nested within communities: towns, cities, counties, and more. Many of these communities are preparing for climate impacts and implementing adaptation measures and mitigation strategies. We focus on opportunities to ensure that those actions benefit children.
Key Resources
The Early Years Climate Task Force

Antwanye E. Ford
President and CEO of Enlightened, Chair of the District of Columbia Workforce Investment Council
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Diana Mendley Rauner, Ph. D.
President of Start Early, Former First Lady of Illinois
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Andrew Garner
Professor of Pediatrics, Schubert Center for Child Studies, Case Western Reserve University
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Angie Garling
Vice President of Early Care & Education, Low Income Investment Fund
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Barry Ford
President and CEO, Council for a Strong America
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Alicia Mousseau
Vice President, Oglala Sioux Tribe
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Claudia Benitez-Nelson
Associate Dean & Professor of Marine Studies, University of South Carolina & Leader, Science Moms
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Leah Austin
President & CEO, National Black Child Development Institute
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Louis Finney Jr.
Board President, National Association of Family Child Care & CEO, Smart Start of Forsyth County (NC)
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Shantel E. Meek
Founding Director, The Children’s Equity Project, Arizona State University
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Derek Walker
Vice President of U.S. Climate, Environmental Defense Fund
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Elizabeth Bechard
Senior Policy Analyst, Moms Clean Air Force & Author, Parenting in a Changing Climate
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Felicia DeHaney
Director of Program and Strategy, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
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Jennifer McClellan
State Senator, Commonwealth of Virginia (District 9)
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Kahlil Kettering
Bezos Earth Fund Project Director, The Nature Conservancy
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Lynette M. Fraga
CEO, Child Care Aware of America
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Melissa Rooker
Executive Director, Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund
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Michelle Kang
CEO, National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
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Miriam Calderón
Chief Policy Officer, Zero to Three
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Patricia Sullivan-Steward
Parent Leader, Darlington County (SC) First Steps
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Walter S. Gilliam, PhD
Professor of Psychiatry & Psychology & Director, Edward Zigler Center in Child Development and Social Policy, Yale University
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