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Twitter Chat: Adaptation and Resilience

On January 27 we hosted a Twitter chat on building climate adaptation and resilience in schools. Take a look at some of the ideas and resources shared during the conversation!
Climate change is intensifying extreme weather and harming communities around the country, including schools. How have you seen climate impacts affect schools and students
A1: Managing stormwater is crucial in Chicago. Persistent flooding is pervasive in Black + Latinx communities. Nature-based solutions like #SpacetoGrow green schoolyards address flooding, mitigate health impacts + provide community assets. #K12ClimateAction
— healthyschools (@healthyschools)
A1: In Houston, @rquiroz4ImEd's colleagues & former students had a several week delay in the start of their school year due to Hurricane Harvey.
Even more insidious was the toxic pollution from the oil refineries that kept us inside & created breathing difficulties.— Next100 (@TheNext100)
What do you think our education sector can do to adapt to the continuing impacts of climate change?
A2: Forward-thinking schools districts are using solar plus battery storage for energy resiliency and serve as a community shelter during outages. Santa Barbara Unified School District in CA is developing six solar-powered microgrids with no upfront costs to the district. — Generation180 (@Gen_180)
Crumbling infrastructure leaves schools vulnerable. We must invest to make them safe and resilient for natural disasters and health pandemics. (1/2) #K12ClimateAction — AFT (@AFTunion)
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the need for improved resilience in education systems. How can the education sector prepare to support students academically and emotionally in the wake of future learning disruptions including climate impacts?
A3: The suggestions @scottsargrad makes in this op-ed about improving remote learning are applicable to any future education disruption, from closing the digital divide to strengthening instruction/curriculum & centering community needs: #K12ClimateAction
— CAP K-12 Education (@EdProgress)
A3-Schools aren't just about learning–they provide meals, community, & a safe place to be. We must ensure all students have the tech to excel AND provide the other supports/resources that our schools do. From COVID to extreme weather, we can't leave kids behind. #K12ClimateAction
— Strong Future Maryland (@FutureMaryland)
Climate change disproportionately affects communities of color and low income communities. What policies or practices can help schools prioritize the needs and strengths of these communities as they adapt and build resilience?
A4: We need to lift up & listen to the voices of impacted communities. Check out the "Black Lives Matter and the Climate" episode of "How to Save A Planet" podcast ( to learn about inspiring work of @CPichonBattle. cc: @ayanaeliza
— John King (@JohnBKing)
Great Q! We need targeted investments from state and federal government to our school districts with the greatest need. These investments can address child hunger, social & emotional learning and connect students to resources. (1/3) #K12ClimateAction
— AFT (@AFTunion)
Youth activists are leading the push for climate action both in and out of schools. How can educators and policy leaders elevate student voices in creating plans for adaptation and resilience?
A5: Education should be designed with and for communities, including youth. Initiatives that do this find a very different vision of education emerging ( or Also see much more to add! #k12climateaction
— Deb Morrison (@educatordeb)
A5: #SpacetoGrow green schoolyards are planned with and by the school community, including students, because no one knows what a school needs better than the people who are there every day. #K12ClimateAction
— healthyschools (@healthyschools)